International Journal of Health and Psychology Research (IJHPR)

EA Journals


Health Education and its Relation with Health Knowledge among College Students in Kuwait (Published)

College is considered one of the important means for health education attainment. Thus, having a profound impact on student’s health, attitude, and behavior. In this study, we assesse and examine the relation of health education intervention with health knowledge and behavior, some these disruptive behaviors include smoking, drugs, injury, disease, individual abuse, stress, mental and emotional health among students of different colleges under PAAET (The Public Authority for Applied Education & training). These colleges are (college of Health Science’s, Nursing, Technological Studies, Basic Education, Business Studies). Besides these colleges, there are numbers of training institutes such as: (The higher Institute of Telecommunication and Navigation, Nursing institute, Secretarial and Office Administration Institute). We also want to inspect the relation between health education, health behavior, and attitude of college students regarding, their age, sex, and education level. Never the less, to elevate health knowledge of these students, in giving them a better healthy lifestyle for their coming future.

Keywords: Behavior, Health education, Knowledge, Students, attitude

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