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EA Journals

Academic Achievement

Effect Flipped Classroom Method, achievement motivation, self – efficacy and gender on Secondary School Students’ Interest in Physics in Calabar Education Zone, Nigeria (Published)

The study investigated the” Effect Flipped Classroom Method, achievement motivation, self – efficacy and gender on Secondary School Students’ Interest in Physics in Calabar Education Zone, Nigeria.” In pursuance of this purpose, two research questions were asked from which two hypotheses were formulated. The study adopted the pre-test-post-test, quasi-experimental, non-randomized design. The population of the study consisted of 1,430 senior secondary two science students from four secondary schools in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State. A sample size of 109 science students from the four intact classes, drawn from 84 secondary schools in two local Government Area in Calabar Education Zone, using stratified random sampling and purposive sampling techniques was used. The study adopted quasi experimental, pre -test, post –test, non- randomized design. The study used there (3) instruments: (1) Students’ self-efficacy questionnaire (SEQ) and (2) Students’ Achievement Motivation (SAMQ) and (3) Students’ Interest questionnaire (SIQ) for data collection. The three instruments were validated and the reliability determined using Kuder-Richarson formula (K-R20) method and Cronbach-coefficient and the calculated reliability coefficient for self-efficacy was 0.8167, achievement motivation was 0.616 and interest was 0.762. Data analyses were carried out using the Two -way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and Multiple Regression Analysis. All the hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The following findings were obtained: There is no significant difference in male and female students’ academic achievement in Physics when taught Physics with flipped classroom and conventional methods. The joint effects of teaching methods, achievement motivation, self-efficacy and gender on the students’ interest, academic achievement and retention in physics was significant. The result of finding in this study also showed that, the calculated F value of the regression ANOVA is statistically significant at .05 significance level. This means that at least one of the independent variables has significant effect on students’ interest in Physics. The multiple correlation coefficient of the variables, R, is 0.781, which is relatively high means that 61% (i.e. R2 x 100%) of the variance of students’ interest in Physics can be accounted for by instructional method, students’ achievement motivation, self – efficacy and gender as well as pretest of students’ interest. The major implication in this study is that the interest and academic achievement of science students was improved through flipped classroom method. Based on the findings, it was recommended that Physics teachers and students should be exposed to Flipped classroom through seminars or trainings to improve their inputs during teaching/learning and teachers should vary their instructional approach by using flipped classroom method as against consistent use of conventional method.


Keywords: Academic Achievement, Achievement Motivation., Flipped classroom, Gender, Interest, Retention, Self-Efficacy, physics

Intelligence and Academic Achievement: A Longitudinal Survey (Published)

With longitudinal survey design of survey research method, this study investigated the complex relationships between intelligence and academic achievement in Mathematics and English Language over a period of four years in Nigeria.  A random sample of 637 Junior Secondary III students, aged 14 years, was drawn and followed till the end of their Senior Secondary III at the age of 17. Their Mathematics and English Language academic achievement were validly measured with Junior Secondary Certificate Examination (JSCE) scores and Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE) scores. Their IQ was validly and reliably measured with Culture Fair Intelligence Test that has been validated and standardized for use in Nigeria. Data were collected during the students’ 2011/2012 JSCE and 2014/2015 SSCE. The IQ and JSCE as well as SSCE scores were subjected to partial correlation analysis at 0.05 alpha, using SPSS Version 22. Results showed statistically significant relationship between IQ and Mathematics achievement (0.499 and 0.495) when English Language is partialled out; and between IQ and English Language achievement (0.411 and 0.346) when Mathematics is partialled out; respectively across the junior and senior secondary levels of schooling. Results, among others, further indicated overwhelming evidence of stability of intelligence (0.702) with the four-year time interval in super corroboration of fluid and crystalized theory of intelligence. Coefficient of partial determination unveiled that IQ accounts for 24.90% to 24.50% of the variance in Mathematics achievement, and 16.89% to 11.97% of the variance in English Language achievement.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Complex relationships, Culture Fair Intelligence Test

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