International Journal of History and Philosophical Research (IJHPHR)

EA Journals

The Collective Mind Approached Through the Prism of Beliefs


This article aims to bring to the forefront the approach to the concept of faith from a philosophical and psychological perspective in order to unravel the functioning mechanism of the collective mind as a tool for interpreting reality. The problem raised by the study of beliefs is an area of research that could shed a lot of light on the analysis and knowledge of human behaviour within collectivities in order to unravel the mysteries that led to the emergence of totalitarianism. In order to analyse the concept of faith from a philosophical perspective, this paper will approach a synthetic analysis through three great thinkersː David Hume, Gustave Le Bon and José Ortega y Gasset, authors who have glimpsed the immense potential offered by understanding these levers for deciphering historical events.

Keywords: Beliefs, Knowledge, Reality, collective mind, human condition

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Impact Factor: 7.02
Print ISSN: 2055-0030
Online ISSN: 2055-0049

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