International Journal of History and Philosophical Research (IJHPHR)

EA Journals


The Collective Mind Approached Through the Prism of Beliefs (Published)

This article aims to bring to the forefront the approach to the concept of faith from a philosophical and psychological perspective in order to unravel the functioning mechanism of the collective mind as a tool for interpreting reality. The problem raised by the study of beliefs is an area of research that could shed a lot of light on the analysis and knowledge of human behaviour within collectivities in order to unravel the mysteries that led to the emergence of totalitarianism. In order to analyse the concept of faith from a philosophical perspective, this paper will approach a synthetic analysis through three great thinkersː David Hume, Gustave Le Bon and José Ortega y Gasset, authors who have glimpsed the immense potential offered by understanding these levers for deciphering historical events.

Keywords: Beliefs, Knowledge, Reality, collective mind, human condition

Rudolf Steiner’s Philosophy of Freedom as A Panacea to the Nigerian Social and Political Settings: An Analytic Approach (Published)

The question of human freedom is a perennial one that has occupied the philosophical enterprise. Many questions have been asked: can humans think freely? Can they act freely? Are there circumstances that limit human beings? Can one control his/her thoughts and actions? Many philosophers have engaged these questions from varieties of perspectives through different approaches and methods. This work, “An Appraisal of Rudolf Steiner’s Concept of Freedom,” provides the pivot for our philosophical inquiry. It seeks to interpret the epistemological and ethical significances of freedom.  Freedom is not only theoretical but it is also practical. To thoroughly tackle the question of freedom, it is also important to incorporate the views of some other philosophers in this area of specialization. This work finds that human beings can achieve freedom through pure individualized thinking by transcending the compulsive impulses of nature and culture. It makes use of hermeneutical and analytical methods, to interpret and analyse critically the philosophical positions of Steiner, its significance, potentials and shortcomings.

Keywords: Freedom, Knowledge, Political, Social, thinking

A community-based prediabetes knowledge assessment among Saudi adults in Al-Ahsa region, 2018 (Published)

Diabetes is a major growing public health issue and prediabetes has been considered to be a reversible condition. The purpose of the present study was to assess knowledge of prediabetes and its risk factors for the community in the Al-Ahsa region. A cross-sectional community-based study was conducted in the Al-Ahsa region from mid-to-late December, 2018. Of the 812 respondents who gave consent to participate in the interview; 13.2% of the respondents reported that they had diabetes. Among the respondents, 87.1% had a high level of knowledge of prediabetes, while 12.9% had low-to moderate knowledge. Overall, there was a statistically significant association between age and prediabetes knowledge (?2 = 5.006, ? = 0.025). Occupation also showed a significant statistical association with prediabetes knowledge (?2 = 9.85, ? = 0.02). People in Al-Ahsa demonstrated a high level of knowledge regarding some risk factors for prediabetes. However, there were a number of deficiencies in the knowledge of prediabetes risk factors and preventive measures as well as in general knowledge of prediabetes, which may lead to a high prevalence of prediabetes and diabetes.

Keywords: Al-Ahsa, Community, Knowledge, Prediabetes, Saudi Arabia

Aristotle and Farabi’s Viewpoint about Plato’s Theory of Idea (Published)

Idea theory is the most important part of Plato’s theory, since it is predominant on all part of his philosophy, knowledge, and morality or even politic. Plato’s viewpoint is the base and basic of many philosopher and philosophy historian’s view. Aristotle as the best and nearest Plato’s student found and a presented a different way than his teacher, in spite of his respect to Plato, this knowledge separated his way from his teacher. According to Aristotle, there is no other world than sensible word and there is no externally world of general. However, general beings are just human mind created and this is human mind, which creates general. Aristotle does not accept existence of self before body, therefore he rejects Plato’s view who said science and knowledge is remind. However, Farabi tried to show that Plato and Aristotle’s different viewpoint had the same direction. Since he believes that philosophies are the same and these differences are just in surface. Author of this article tries to analysis Aristotle and Farabi’s viewpoint and show their general structure.

Keywords: Aristotle, Farabi., Idea, Knowledge, Plato, Sensible

Aristotle and Farabi’s viewpoint about Plato’s theory of Idea (Published)

Idea theory is the most important part of Plato’s theory, since it is predominant on all part of his philosophy, knowledge, and morality or even politic. Plato’s viewpoint is the base and basic of many philosopher and philosophy historian’s view. Aristotle as the best and nearest Plato’s student found and a presented a different way than his teacher, in spite of his respect to Plato, this knowledge separated his way from his teacher. According to Aristotle, there is no other world than sensible word and there is no externally world of general. However, general beings are just human mind created and this is human mind, which creates general. Aristotle does not accept existence of self before body, therefore he rejects Plato’s view who said science and knowledge is remind. However, Farabi tried to show that Plato and Aristotle’s different viewpoint had the same direction. Since he believes that philosophies are the same and these differences are just in surface. Author of this article tries to analysis Aristotle and Farabi’s viewpoint and show their general structure.

Keywords: Aristotle, Farabi., Idea, Knowledge, Plato, Sensible

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