International Journal of Geography and Regional Planning Research (IJGRPR)

EA Journals


Impact of Deforestation on Rural Livelihood in Mbieri, Imo State Nigeria (Published)

Globally the rate of deforestation and forest degradation is around 13million hectares, occurring mostly in developing countries. This study aimed at assessing the impact of deforestation on livelihood sources in Mbieri a rural community in Imo State, Southeast Nigeria. Multi-Temporal Satellite Images were analyzed for changes in land use and land cover in the area, while random sampling method was used to administer the questionnaire, and participatory rural appraisal (PRA) method was used to elicit information on drivers of deforestation, income levels and perceived effects of deforestation in the study area. Six land use/cover types were identified namely; farmland, bare soil, built-up surface, water bodies, secondary forest and primary forest. GPS coordinates of the sampled deforested areas were also recorded and used to overlay on the Satellite processed data on land use and land cover. Data were further obtained from the satellite imageries of Landsat 4, thematic mapper (TM) and Landsat 7 and 8 ETM+ covering the year 1986, 2000, and 2016 respectively. Results from satellite image analysis revealed that land use changes have negatively impacted deforestation leading to loss of primary forest and reduction in secondary forest. Built-up areas and farmland increased from 13.92% and 11.47% in 1986 to 32.86% and 21.97% in 2016 respectively. While the primary forest reduced from 35.94% in 1986 to 10.78% in 2016. Population increase and agricultural expansion were identified as the major drivers of deforestation in Mbieri. Impacts of deforestation on the people include loss of valuable species of flora and fauna, decreased earnings from the sale of forest resources and loss of farmland to erosion of exposed surfaces. It is recommended that forest plantations be increased by using vacant and unused lands which will have net positive benefits also, deliberate reforestation should be embarked on to avoid environmental degradation and possible increase in ambient temperature.

Citation: Iwuji M. C, Okpara J. C, Ukaegbu K. O. E, Iwuji K. M, Uyo C. N, Onuegbu S. V, Acholonu, C.A (2022) Impact of Deforestation on Rural Livelihood in Mbieri, Imo State Nigeria, International Journal of Geography and Regional Planning Research, Vol.7, No.2, pp.1-13,

Keywords: Deforestation, Forest, Landuse, Livelihood, Satellite image, Urbanization, population increase

Land use and Land Cover Change in Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers State-Nigeria (1987-2020) (Published)

This study examined landuse and land cover change in Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers State. It adopted the cross-sectional research design, utilizing satellite images (1987-2020) and questionnaire for socio-economic data from 210 randomly selected households from seven communities (Aluu, Ubima, Elele, Igwuruta, Ozuoha, Isiokpo and Omagwa). Three research questions and three objectives guided the study. Satellite image classification and analysis was done with the RS and GIS tools of Landsat TM 1986, ETM image and ASTER. From the findings, the main landuse activities in the area are: crop cultivation, plantation agriculture, residential, institutional, commercial, transportation and recreational infrastructures; there is significant relationship between landuse and land-cover change, as the former leads to the later; there is significant difference in rate of land-cover change from1987-2020. While there is constant increase in rate of expansion of residential built-up at 9.3% (1987-1997) and 15.4% (2007-2020); plantations grew at 2% (1987-1997) and declined at 1.36% (2007-2020); there is a steady decline in land-cover for crop cultivation, institutional and recreational infrastructures. Finally, change in landuse and land-cover pose some social and environmental challenges on the people e.g. loss of forested lands, biodiversity, sacred grooves, wet lands; and decline in farmers’ income. The study recommended for the establishment of high rise residential and commercial buildings; and the diversification of the area’s economy into secondary activities and services.

Keywords: Biodiversity Loss, Change, Forest, Land Cover, land use