International Journal of Entomology and Nematology Research (IJENR)

EA Journals

Tuta absoluta

Estimate of yield Losses due to T. absoluta Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) on Tomato crops under glasshouse and field conditions in Western Shewa of Centeral Ethiopia (Published)

Tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) became one of the most devastating insect pests for tomato in the greenhouse, glasshouse and field productions. The larvae damages to the above ground parts of the plant especially leaf and fruits from seedling stage to maturity. The studies were conducted in the glasshouse and farmers’ fields in three different districts in Western Shawa of Centeral Ethiopia under irrigation conditions. The yield loss due to T. absoluta was found 87.50-100% was observed under glasshouse condition from November 2015 to June 2016 in two consecutive seasons. Crop loss assessment at different locations revealed that there was significant reduction in yield when compared with untreated control. The yield loss due to T. absoluta was in the range of 60.08% to 82.31% in West Shewa of Central Ethiopia under farmer’s field conditions. However, several times application of Chlorantraniliprole (Coragen 200 SC) controlled the T. absoluta and contributed to increased marketable yield on protected farmer’s fields.

Keywords: Tomato, Tuta absoluta, farmer’s filed, glasshouse, marketable yield and yield loss

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