International Journal of English Language Teaching (IJELT)

EA Journals

From Classroom to Conversation: Exploring University Chat Corners as Hybrid Spaces for Language Acquisition


For learners in an English as a foreign language (EFL) environment, institutions like chat corners often constitute the only opportunity to interact socially with native speakers. Being more sheltered than real-life situations, yet more socially authentic than the classroom, it is a hybrid environment where EFL learners can begin to interact cross-culturally using L2 in a social setting. This study explores the learning potential of chat corners by examining linguistic and cultural learning opportunities, as well as affective factors. The study was conducted by recording and analysing conversations occurring at the Chat Corner of Tamkang University in Taiwan, supplemented with a group interview at the end of the semester. Results highlight the unique role of chat corners in enhancing EFL learners language skills and cultural understanding, alleviating anxiety, and providing an organic yet supportive environment that balances authenticity with educational scaffolding and language exploration.

Keywords: English corner, Second Language Acquisition, chat corner, cross-cultural communication, hybrid environment

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Impact Factor: 6.75
Print ISSN: 2055-0820
Online ISSN: 2055-0839

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