International Journal of English Language Teaching (IJELT)

EA Journals

Feedback Strategies Used by University Instructors in the Classroom Setting


This study aims to explore the feedback strategies used by Libyan university instructors in the classroom setting, particularly in the context of teaching English. 35 Libyan instructors from different universities took part in the study. A questionnaire with 32 items was utilized for data collection. The data analysis revealed that providing students with timely feedback was reported to be dominant. It was also found that verbal feedback was the most preferred technique by many instructors. Encouraging students to ask clarification questions to avoid any misunderstanding after offering feedback was another significant result. The data also showed that many instructors didn’t feel encouraged to keep a record of their students’ achievements. Unexpectedly, most of the participants either never used online feedback or rarely used it.

Citation:  Aldabbus S. (2022) Feedback Strategies Used by University Instructors in the Classroom Setting, International Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.10, No.6, pp.,19-30

Keywords: classroom setting, constructive feedback, instructors’ feedback

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