International Journal of English Language Teaching (IJELT)

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Covid-19 Pandemic Blessing or Affliction: Reflection on the Qur’ānic Imperative Acts in Their Pragmatic Perspective

Muhammad Khan Abdul Malik and Fahmeeda Gulnaz


The recent Coronavirus disease Covid-19 is the illness caused by a novel coronavirus and now called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; formerly called 2019-nCoV). The main focus of the present study is reflection on the Qur’ānic imperative acts in their pragmatic perspective. This global pandemic encompassed the whole world swiftly hence the world’s natural reaction to this epidemic is to guess and explore the root causes of this infectious disease.  Different people have different opinions according to their religious teachings, experience, observation, background knowledge, social, and cultural perspectives.  None can give a final word about its reasons as all such epidemics are Allah’s ‘Hikmah’ (wisdom) and only Allah Subhanahu wata’ala (SWT) knows His own intentions in such catastrophe and vast disaster. They may be interpreted as punishment of our evil deeds and at the same time realization and a reminder to return to the teachings of the Supreme Being and ultimate reward.  Moreover, the suffering that reminds us of Allah (God) is better for our soul than His Blessings that result in His disobedience and thanklessness due to our love and attachment to this ephemeral world ignoring Allah Almighty’s guidance. The Holy Qur’ān and the Bible make it clear implicitly and explicitly that the disbelievers are generally punished and at the same time believers are tested. The disease of Hazrat Ayub (Job), a just man, is the best example (Al-Qur’ān 21:83).  God allows natural disasters to happen because, in His infinite Wisdom, He knows that they can serve His purpose of bringing souls to eternal success. Out of evil Allah brings good.

Keywords: Pragmatic, Qur’ānic imperative, Reflection, Speech Acts., affliction, blessing, pandemic

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