The paper examined pragmatic-functional translation method used to navigate toward second language acquisition focused on how ESL students translated ideas to see how teachers could help in learning classroom translation procedures and identify pedagogical implications in teaching a second language. Focused on Pragmatic-Functional Translation (PFT), the researcher investigated translational actions in the pragmatic social contexts, in the study, the classroom setting. Aimed at finding out how students translate from L1 to L2. Using contrastive analysis (CA), specifically contrastive socio-linguistics, the researcher of this paper attempted to bring into compromise order of two languages toward the closest meaning of the texts for general audience. With the hope to identify the translation techniques used by the respondents, the study researcher did Contrastive Analysis (CA) to find out the equivalence effect in the rewording process and to analyze interview texts applied aimed at identifying social functional meaning of the translation.
Keywords: Idiomaticity, Pedagogical Implications, Pragmatic-Functional Translation, SLA