International Journal of English Language Teaching (IJELT)

EA Journals

Vocabulary Mastery

DUOLINGO & English Vocabulary: How Students Acquire New Vocabulary by Playing the Game (Published)

This article discusses about the use of an android mobile application, Duolingo, to improve students of junior high school vocabulary mastery. Purpose of study: The study aims to find out how is the process of the students acquire vocabulary through playing the game? and, can the application improve the student’s vocabulary mastery? Method: It is a case study involving 30 students as participants. Questionnaires and vocabulary Test were given to the students after playing the game for several times. Result: It is found that most of the students are excited and enjoying playing the game. Gamification is the most favorite features according to them. They acquire many vocabularies after playing the game based on the vocabulary Test result. Conclusion: It is concluded that Duolingo, an android application, is increasing the student’s motivation in learning English as well as improves their vocabulary mastery.

Keywords: Duolingo, English vocabulary, Vocabulary Mastery, game in teaching, vocabulary acquisition

Teaching Vocabulary Using Matching Word on Computer Assisted, Language Learning (Published)

Studying English  in Indonesia is not easy  where English as Foreign  Language. Teaching English in the city and in the rural a remote area like Siborong-borong is a chalange for teacher.  Matching word on  computer assited language learning,  was applied to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. This is a way that could make the students easier learning vocabulary,  for  vocabulary mastery.  Using Hot Potatoes is a good program because the students can correct and/or edit their own assignment based on the clued and feedback are given in the target language. Futhermore, by using Hot Potatoes software student can do exersice by themself. Based on the interview which has been done between  with  the teacher and the researcher and the students, it was found that the teacher had a problem in teaching vocabulary mastery,  they are not interested in studying vocabulary. The English teacher may  use computer as a media and matching word as a test of teaching learning process especially in learning vocabulary using hot potatoes software. This is a  class action research , Students’ score of the test is analysed, the score of pre test, post test of cycles. The last test of cycle II was improved than the test of cycle I and also improved than the orientation test. In the last test of cycle II from 36 students, there were 22 students who got the score ≥ 75 point up and the mean was 78,72 and percentage 61,11%. In the test cycle I, there were 6 students who got the score ≥ 75 point up and the means was 70,91 and percentage 16,66%. While in the orientation test, there were only 3 students who got ≥ 75 point up and the mean was 60,11 and percenage 8.33%. Based on the result of quantitative and qualitative data, it was found that uses matching word in computer significantly improved students’ vocabulary mastery of SMA N 1 Siborongborong.

Keywords: Class Action Research, Matching Words, Vocabulary Mastery

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