L2 Vocabulary Knowledge and Listening Proficiency: Highlighting Key Principles Governing Their Intertwinement (Published)
Empirical research examining the relevance of lexical knowledge to L2 listening ability has shown that the two constructs are immensely intertwined in L2 learning contexts. That is, whereas L2 learners’ listening comprehension can always be boosted when they possess higher levels of vocabulary knowledge, learners also can add up new words to their lexicons whilst listening to L2 content. This article critically discusses the reciprocal relationship between the two constructs of L2 listening performance and vocabulary knowledge as evident from the body of empirical research carried out on each side of the relationship. Nine key principles pinpointing the intertwinement are drawn from this body of research. The ultimate aim is to provide EFL practitioners with a firsthand guide that could regulate all classroom and non-classroom practices by teachers and learners alike as to L2 listening tasks and vocabulary learning. As such, whereas EFL teachers are encouraged to call on the nine principles prescribed here in setting up all classroom listening tasks and activities, learners are called upon to adapt and alter their L2 listening habits and strategies in and outside the EFL classroom in accordance with these principles.
Keywords: Vocabulary Knowledge, aural vocabulary knowledge, listening proficiency, vocabulary breadth, vocabulary depth, vocabulary size, written vocabulary knowledge
Effects of Task-Based Instruction on Reading Comprehension of Turkish Efl Learners (Published)
This action research paper aims to investigate the effects of task based instruction on reading comprehension and new vocabulary learning in Turkish EFL setting. Participants of the study are preparatory school students in one of the private universities in İstanbul, Turkey. They were placed into classes according to results of English proficiency exam that they took at the beginning of the semester. Among already assigned 55 beginner classes, two beginner groups whose quizzes and midterm results are quite similar were chosen and they became experimental and control group for this study. In the first step, mean scores of reading part of the ELAT exam, which is a kind of final exam and administered twice in a semester, were taken. This was accepted as a pre-test. In the second step, in a 2-hour reading lesson, experimental group received task-based instruction while control group went on their traditional reading lesson. After the lessons, both groups were given comprehension and vocabulary questions. After 2-week interval, both groups received a recall-test to check the long term effect of task-based instruction on new words that were learned in the lesson. The findings of the study revealed that both groups showed an improvement with instruction however there is a significant difference between the mean scores of experimental group and control group in post-test in terms of comprehension. Experimental group was more successful in post-test. Moreover, results of recall test showed that task-based instruction has a positive effect on vocabulary learning, as well.
Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Task-Based Teaching, Vocabulary Knowledge
This action research paper aims to investigate the effects of task based instruction on reading comprehension and new vocabulary learning in Turkish EFL setting. Participants of the study are preparatory school students in one of the private universities in İstanbul, Turkey. They were placed into classes according to results of English proficiency exam that they took at the beginning of the semester. Among already assigned 55 beginner classes, two beginner groups whose quizzes and midterm results are quite similar were chosen and they became experimental and control group for this study. In the first step, mean scores of reading part of the ELAT exam, which is a kind of final exam and administered twice in a semester, were taken. This was accepted as a pre-test. In the second step, in a 2-hour reading lesson, experimental group received task-based instruction while control group went on their traditional reading lesson. After the lessons, both groups were given comprehension and vocabulary questions. After 2-week interval, both groups received a recall-test to check the long term effect of task-based instruction on new words that were learned in the lesson.The findings of the study revealed that both groups showed an improvement with instruction however there is a significant difference between the mean scores of experimental group and control group in post-test in terms of comprehension. Experimental group was more successful in post-test. Moreover, results of recall test showed that task-based instruction has a positive effect on vocabulary learning, as well.
Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Task-Based Teaching, Vocabulary Knowledge