Language Instructors’ and Students’ Perspective on Large Class Size and What is the Best Technique Language Instructors Utilize to Prompt Learning Autonomy in Class (Published)
In this research, the author identifies the terms of large class size and learning autonomy. The authors exhibit the difference between both terms and explains clearly the idea of both terms. Moreover, the author shows how large class size is related to learning autonomy. The author will then elaborate on how these two terms complete each other. The Author chooses the story of an English teacher who teaches in Nigeria, who is exposed to a large class size confronting different conflicts during this year of teaching. In addition, the author shows how the English teacher overcame these problems and what solutions were chosen that helped to overcome the issue. The Author also exhibits the class size problems and the autonomy in different contexts of other teachers around the world and how they coped with it. He utilized other research papers to show how each teacher dealt with the problem of class size.As a matter of fact, the author shows how a large class size can affect the teaching in class and what solutions are made in order to overcome the large class size complexities. Furthermore, the research also shows the disadvantages of a large class size according to students’ points of view. It also clarifies how students are affected by large class size and how difficult could learning become in class.
Keywords: Education, Techniques, autonomy in different contexts, large class-size, learning autonomy
Using Mixed Strategies and Techniques to Enrich and Enhance L2 Vocabulary Learning (Published)
Vocabulary plays an important role in any language. However, learning vocabulary is one of the challenges that learners face during the process of second language learning. This research paper aims to enrich teachers’ knowledge and improve their teaching methods in the area of vocabulary instruction. First, it discusses the issues that learners have in L2 vocabulary learning in order to help teachers understand these issues and follow the principles that will help them to develop effective vocabulary instruction. In addition, this paper reviews the current research on the most effective teaching strategies and techniques for L2 vocabulary learning and teaching. The results of the study emphasize the importance of vocabulary instruction on vocabulary learning. Therefore, teachers should evolve their vocabulary instruction to be more effective which will affect positively on their learners’ vocabulary development. In addition, this paper familiarizes teachers with various useful teaching methods and techniques to enhance vocabulary teaching and learning processes.
Citation: Asma AlRashidi (2021) Using Mixed Strategies and Techniques to Enrich and Enhance L2 Vocabulary Learning, International Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.9, No.4, pp.36-46
Keywords: Issues, L2 vocabulary learning, Teaching Methods, Techniques, vocabulary instruction