International Journal of English Language Teaching (IJELT)

EA Journals

teachers’ motivation

A Validation Pilot Study for The Motivation of English Language Teachers in the College of Health Sciences and the College of Nursing, PAAET, Kuwait (Published)

There are several components that determine and play an essential role in teachers’ motivation. The purpose of this research is to validate the survey questionnaire items that are employed in the study by Ng & Ng (2015) and see if such items can be applied in two selected colleges at the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET), Kuwait. The participants of the study are 15 faculty members from the college of Health Sciences and the college of Nursing where they were asked to complete the survey questionnaire items anonymously. Although some survey items were omitted due to having low factor loadings, the rest of the survey items were proven to be applicable to both colleges and other potential academic institutions in Kuwait, and possibly in the GCC region. The analysis resulted in having six major components that determine teachers’ motivation. The six components are intrinsic motivation and self-improvement, leadership influence, social support and relationships, financial motivation, autonomy and administrative support, and career advancement and esteem.  The current study findings emphasize that such six components are essential in fostering and maintaining teachers’ motivation in every academic institution in Kuwait and in the region.


Keywords: Kuwait, PAAET, language center, teachers’ motivation

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