International Journal of English Language Teaching (IJELT)

EA Journals

Scientific English


The use of the term EST in the field of TESP (Teaching English for Specific Purposes) has led to a certain amount of confusion. This has been partly because EST (English for Science and Technology) appeared at first on both sides of the EAP/EVP (English for Academic Purposes/English for Vocational Purposes) division, and partly because several attempts to arrive at something ‘special’ about the language of science and technology were rather inconclusive. In this paper, the question as to whether or not English for Science and Technology (hereafter EST) could be considered part of EAP or part of EVP is raised. This paper also attempts to shed light on the major features related to EST namely the nature of scientific English, the universality of scientific discourse, the three-way translation as seen by Henry Widdowson and finally their implications for EST teachers and learners alike

Keywords: EST teachers and learners, English for Science and Technology (EST), Scientific English, three-way translation procedure, universality of scientific discourse

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