International Journal of English Language and Linguistics Research (IJELLR)

EA Journals

Davao Gay Community Sociolect: A Neologism Sketch

Shazel D. Cabelita, Gretchel V. Gacrama


One of the notable modern languages today is the gay lingo, a language established by the gay community. Gay people came to create their own words or neologisms to shield themselves from the harm of social stigma. This research provides a view of gay words formed through morphological processes and how they function in a sentence. This study specifically explored on neologisms in gay language through a qualitative approach – this was done by collecting new words from the gay community. The findings indicate that gay neologisms were mostly created through affixation and clipping wherein an original word is clipped and have a new component and meaning. It is also found out that there are existing words used in gay lingo that have different meanings. It is highly recommended to further analyze other morphological functions in the gay lingo.

Keywords: Clipping., Communities, Speech, affixation, gay lingo, morphological processes, neologisms

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Impact Factor: 7.79
Print ISSN: 2053-6305
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