The Translatability of English Legal Sentences into Arabic by Using Google Translation (Published)
Legal translation is a type of translation for legal terms and documents from a source language (SL) into a target language (TL). Moreover, it is also a translation from one legal system into another. It involves all the legal texts that are used in different legal settings; in courts, legal reports, contracts, etc. This paper aimed at examining the translatability of Google Translation (GT) for a test of six English Legal Articles or sentences (ELAs) into Arabic. For the validity of the Articles, they were translated into Arabic by two professionals at the Jordanian universities. These ELAs were entered into Google to be translated into Arabic. Qualitative analysis was placed to investigate the translatability of GT for legal sentences in comparing with human translation. In the light of the results a number of recommendations and suggestions for further research were set up.
Keywords: English Legal Articles ELAs, Google translation GT, Legal translation