Integrating L1 Culture Contexts (ICH) into L2 Learning: Relevance and Effectiveness (Published)
Intangible cultural heritage (ICH), as defined by UNESCO, is the practices, expressions, representations, knowledge and skills of communities and individuals as vehicles of their cultural heritage, which is transmitted from generation to generation through ‘cultural vehicles’ or language of a society or community. This study aims at integrating intangible cultural heritage of Malaysia (L1) into English language learning (L2), particularly in ESL assessments, to a) preserve intangible cultural heritage in the form of language learning contexts, b) provide source culture contexts to learn English language in general and improve grammar proficiency in particular, and c) investigate the relevance and effectiveness of culture contexts on language learning. The study uses online technology to develop various ESL assessments to engage learners in accumulating knowledge on cultural diversity and English language learning.
Keywords: Cultural Diversity, Language Learning, culture contexts, intangible cultural heritage, online technology