International Journal of English Language and Linguistics Research (IJELLR)

EA Journals

Ablo application

Ablo Application for Indonesian English as Foreign Language Learners (Published)

This research aims to describe the Ablo application which is a Social Network Site as the learning medium for Indonesian EFL learners. It used descriptive qualitative research to describe how the Ablo application and its features are to learn the four English skills, the feasibility of this application as a Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL), and the learners’ interest in this application. This research used participatory observations on the features of the Ablo application and interviews with 30 users who had been using this application in Indonesia. The results of this research showed that Ablo as an application can be used to learn four language skills in English for EFL learners in Indonesia. As feasibility of MALL, it also fulfills the main characters such as portability, social interactivity, context sensitivity, connectivity, and individuality. While the interest of learning in Ablo is very positive.

Citation: Pahamzah J. (2023) Ablo Application for Indonesian English as Foreign Language Learners, International Journal of English Language and Linguistics Research, Vol.11, No 2, pp.9-17


Keywords: Ablo application, EFL, learner’s interest, mobile-assisted, online learning