This study aims to know the results of the development of exposition text writing teaching material based on reciprocal teaching method in students class X SMA Negeri 1 Kisaran. The research method used is research and development (R & D) method proposed by Sugiyono refers to Borg & Gall model. The trial subjects consisted of 3 students with individual trials, 9 students with small group trials, and 36 students with limited field trials. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview, questionnaire and expository writing test. The results show that: (1) material expert validation includes content feasibility with an average of 83.59% on very good criteria, presentation feasibility with an average of 87.5% on very good criteria, and language aspects with an average of 86,53% on very good criteria, (2) validation of design experts with an average of 94.16% on very good criteria, (3) teacher response with an average of 92.64% on very good criteria, (4) individual testing with an average of 78.47% on good criteria, (5) small group trial with an average of 84.72% on very good criteria, and (6) limited field trial with an average of 88.02% on very good criteria. The result of the writing test of the expository text of the students before using the module is 70, while the learning result of the writing test of expository text after the students using the module increased by 84.72. The difference is 14.72 from before to after. This proves that the teaching material to write exposition texts developed can improve student learning outcomes by using reciprocal method. The implication of this research is to give a practical contribution especially in the implementation of learning for teachers as additional teaching materials and as a means to assist and facilitate students in understanding the material of exposition texts thus they can be applied to their respective lives.
Keywords: Development, Exposition Texts, Reciprocal Teaching, Teaching Materials