Educational technology as a term and as a field of specialization is considered to be a relatively new field in education. Based on this, the concept sounds new to a lot of people including a good number of teachers and learners. It is yet to be well rooted in the Nigerian educational system. However, it should be noted that its newness is in terms of terminology, in the redefinition of concepts, in the realignment of child learning psychology with behavioural oriented classroom activities and in the matching together of curriculum and human resources. It is important to note that elements of Educational Technology have always been present in educational practices in the Nigerian schools which brought about gradual changes in the use of educational technology in the classroom. This paper therefore examines the application of educational technology to teaching and learning in the classroom and educational technology as a solution to the problem of curriculum practices in the Nigerian education system. Some generalizations on the effective use of educational technology in the classroom settings, conclusion and recommendations were made
Keywords: Classroom, Educational Technology