Reliability and Validity of the College Admission Test for K-12 Graduates (Published)
College admission is one of the significant activities in tertiary education. Assessment tools such as admission tests are designed and administered to incoming tertiary students to measure their basic competencies necessary for tertiary education. This study determined the psychometric properties of the College Admission Test for K-12 graduates. The results of item analysis revealed that the test items are generally difficult. Among the sub-tests in which the students performed poorly were in Mathematics and Reading Comprehension. The reliability coefficient of the test is .87, indicating high reliability of the tool for measuring basic competencies. However, about 32 items were found to have negative reliability indices that need to be revised or deleted to improve the test’s internal consistency. Hence an improvement of the test is necessary to enhance its psychometric properties.
Alvarado U.G, Balagan M.M.B E., Cauilan A.M C.C. (2023) Reliability and validity of the college admission test for K-12 graduates, International Journal of Education, Learning and Development, Vol. 11, No.1, pp.46-60
Keywords: Reliability, item analysis, psychometric properties, validity
Validity and Reliability of the Social Comparison Questionnaire (Published)
Social Comparison is an individual’s tendency to evaluate self-competence by comparing competencies and self-opinion with other individual competencies and opinions, in order to achieve a certain superior position. In this study, the preparation of the measurement instrument was based on the distribution of data contributed by 60 active students of the Faculty of Psychology at Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta, as participants. Measuring instruments are arranged based on aspects that are assumed to form Social Comparison, namely perceptions of certain standards, perceptions of comparative opinions and perceptions of competencies Garcia, Tor and Schiff, 2013; Garcia, Tor and Gonzales, 2006). Based on knowledge of test construction, 22 items were arranged. From the results of data analysis with SPSS version 20, there were 15 items that were declared valid, with a validity score greater than 0.3. These 15 items show reliability of 0.819. Thus, the Social Comparison measuring instrument is stated to meet the rules of validity and reliability, and can be used as a measure of behavior.
Keywords: Questionnaire, Reliability, social comparison, validity