International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

EA Journals


Understanding Roles within Work Integrated Learning In Upper-Primary Teacher Education (Published)

This research examined the work-based component of teacher training for the upper primary school phase at the University of Namibia by studying the varying roles of individual members of the practicum triad which comprised the university-based teacher educator, the school-based support teacher and the student teacher.  This ethnographic study, which used a range of instruments such as participant or non-participant observations, in-depth interviews and content analysis, managed to establish the perceptions of the triad members about the effectiveness of their work integrated learning and also identified the facets of the work environment most effective in supporting trainee teachers throughout work-based practicum. This study thus posits that the teaching training agenda be aligned to expose teacher trainees the realities of teaching and other related professional activities through the development of sustainable norms and a continuum of realistic practicum partnerships which effectively respond to the need for higher education institutions to produce employable, work-ready graduates. The study revealed that there is an information gap pertaining to the roles of the individual members of the practicum triad. Despite the fact that the guidelines clearly spell out the responsibility of each party, the guidelines are seldom followed by the three different parties.  This study therefore recommends that university and partnership schools should collectively work on challenges, misconceptions, mistrusts, and to iron them out. The university and schools should develop ways of ensuring that pre- and post-lesson conferences become part of assessment to encourage the triad to convene them more regularly. The study recommends that time spent on School-based studies be significantly increased to ensure that students receive sufficient work-based learning [WBL].  The current state of SBS is by far inadequate.

Keywords: Practicum, Support Teacher, Triad, University Supervisor, Work-Based, student teacher