Effectiveness of Process Approach in College Basic Education (Published)
The purpose of this qualitative research study is to understand the relationship between learning English writing through the process approach and the perception of this approach among future teachers. To achieve this objective, the study utilized a questionnaire design that was analyzed through the lens of constructivism. Ten participants completed the questionnaires for the study of first- and second-year students in the education program. The 20-question questionnaire was divided into five sections to reflect the stages of the writing processes and the intention to use this process in future practice. The findings of the study indicate that there is a positive perception of the process approach, with a few minor outliers, and a strong intention to utilize the approach in their future practice. Recommendations emerged from the challenges that were identified to include a need for additional feedback and increased direction for some students. Recommendations for further research are included to strengthen the findings of this study.
Keywords: English writing, Process Approach, Teaching Strategies, future teachers
Research on the Teaching Efficiency of Esp From The Perspective Of Linguistic Economics (Published)
ESP, English for special purposes, is a new development of College English teaching in China,which is helpful for the future development of students’ language skills and future career. But because of the unsystematic ESP teaching pedagogy and insufficient theoretical supports, there are many problems which affect the teaching efficiency of ESP courses. In this paper, the author firstly gives the literature review of the research on the Linguistic Economics and introduces the teaching practice of the ESP courses in China. Finally, from the perspective of linguistic economics, the author analyses the problems which affect the teaching efficiency and proposes several pieces of suggestions with the purpose to facilitate the ESP teaching practice and improve the teaching. The paper tries to explore the new ways of improving the teaching efficiency of the ESP courses, but due to the limitations of the research ability, it is far too enough to elaborate the issues clearly, more issues need to be addressed in the coming research.
Keywords: ESP, Linguistic Economics, Problems in Teaching, Teaching Efficiency, Teaching Strategies
Influence of Teachers’ Variables for the Utilization of Fieldtrips for Environmental and Social Studies Instruction in Colleges of Education in Northern Ghana (Published)
This study examined the influence of teachers’ variables for the utilization of fieldtrips for Environmental and Social Studies instruction among Colleges of Education in the Northern regions of Ghana. Three research questions were formulated to achieve the research objective. As such, the study used a descriptive research design, administered questionnaires and solicited opinions through interviews. Twenty (20) Environmental and Social Studies tutors were sampled from the seven (7) Colleges of Education in the Northern regions of Ghana. The result of the findings indicated that tutors in the study area do use fieldtrips in the teaching of Environmental and Social Studies. However, there are a number of challenges militating against their frequent use of fieldtrips in the teaching and learning process such as the large nature of the classes they handle, insufficient time for the organization of fieldtrip, financial constraint, and lack of support from college administration for fieldtrips, limited available transportation, and the risk associated with fieldtrips. Based on the findings, recommendations were made that tutors should be orientated on the use of fieldtrips through attendance at seminars, workshops and conferences and that government through Teacher Education Division of Ghana Education Service should support Environmental and Social Studies tutors in Colleges of Education financially for improved efficiency on their use of fieldtrips to promote effective teaching and learning. Lecture time table should be flexible to allow tutors to organize fieldtrips in their respective Colleges to bring about effective teaching and learning.
Keywords: Fieldtrip. Environmental and Social Studies, Learning of Environmental and Social Studies, Selection of Fieldtrips Locations, Teaching Strategies, Teaching of Environmental and Social Studies, Utilization of Fieldtrips