Implication of Fuel Subsidy Removal on Academic Performance of Students in Tertiary Institutions, Nigeria (Published)
This paper examines the implication of fuel subsidy on academic performance of tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Thus, fuel subsidy removal announced by President Bola Ahmmed Tinubu on his inaugural speech day has been generated to many problems in our country which affected all segments of human life in Nigeria, particularly the people of lower class who have been found it cumbersome to eat three times daily. Yet, these problems lead to hiking the prices of foodstuffs and other an essential materials like transportation, health and education e.t.c. However, thousands of the students of less privilege were out of the campuses throughout the country while many students are involved anti – social behaviours such as hook up, Yahoo, kidnappers and commercial sex workers, because they wanted to meet their needs for their studies at all cost. Similarly, the prices of transportation went up, created more problems for the students who are schooling in other states have been found it difficult to travel back to their respectful institutions. Meanwhile, thousands of parents could not be met up the needs of their children, because of their inability to provide their siblings school pre-requisites for their studies. Consequently, the fuel subsidy removal has been changed many responsible students live to become beggars in all tertiary institutions in three major zones in Nigeria (North, South, and East), while others are struggling to attend their lectures in their respectful institutions with stressful in order to satisfy their owned curiosity on campuses in the various tertiary institutions. Nigeria. (Universities, Colleges of Education and Polytechnics)
Keywords: Administration, Fuel, Implication, Institution, Performance, Prices, Students, Tertiary, campus, removal, subsidy