Developing Comic-Shaped Teaching Media in Narrative Text Material For Students Class Vii Smp Pembangunan Galang (Published)
This study aims to know the procedure for the development of comic-shaped teaching media in narrative text material for students class VII SMP Pembangan Galang, to know the feasibility of comic-shaped teaching media in narrative text material, and to know the effectiveness of comic-shaped teaching media in narrative text material. This study used the Research and Development method using the Borg & Gall model. Data were analyzed descriptively quantitatively. The results of the study showed that: (1) the process of developing comic-shaped teaching media in narrative text material was carried out in several stages, namely preliminary studies, initial product development, and product trials. All teachers (100%) and all students (100%) stated that they need teaching media in the form of comics developed in the learning process; (2) the results of the validation of material experts was declared feasible with an average percentage of 90% with the criteria of “very good”. Furthermore, the results of the linguist’s validation was deemed feasible with the acquisition of an average percentage of 100% with the criteria of “very good”. Furthermore, the results of the validation of media experts was declared feasible with an average percentage of 76.33% with the criteria of “good”. Furthermore, the results of the validation of design experts was also declared feasible with the acquisition of an average percentage of 88.33% with the criteria of “very good”, the assessment of Indonesian language teachers with an average percentage of 87.50% with the criteria of “very good”. 68% with good criteria. Small group trials obtained an average score of 82.47% with very good criteria. Furthermore, limited field trials obtained an average of 88%; (3) the narrative text material developed was more effective than the student’s handbook with the effectiveness of the teaching media developed at 83.38% and the effectiveness of the student handbook at 68.88%. The implication of the results of this study is that there is an increase in students’ abilities in writing activities with the use of comic-shaped teaching media in narrative text material.
Keywords: Comics, Narrative Text, Teaching Media