Lexical Interference of Hokkien Language in Indonesian Written Variety By Tionghoa Ethnic Students Class Vi at Sd Swasta Perguruan Buddhis Bodhicitta Medan and its Resolution Strategies (Published)
This research is meant to describe: (1) The kind of lexical interference in Indoesian narrative essay, (2) The strategy of treatment. The method which in this research is descriptive qualitative, so that it can give a complete description particularly in morfology and lexical interference in Indonesia narrative essay. The research it self was held in a private school SD Buddhis Bodhicitta Medan. Subjects of the research were the student of grade VI, which are VI-B and VI-D, which contain 81 pupils. The data was obtained from narrative essay which was written by the students. The instrument of the research is the researcher her self. The technic which was done is the interview technic, which is the way to know each background of every student, and out of 81 pupils there are 40 students who are Hokkienese. Then, the students were given narrative essay. The result shows lexical kinds of interference and treatment strategy to reduce the number of interference of Hokkienese towards Indonesia narrative essay. As for the kinds of lexical interference is devided into parts of speech which are : verbs 26 words, adjectives 10 words, nominna 24 words, pronouns 3 words, and numeralia 2 words. The quantity 65 words. For strategy us are education language strategy, are: education to learning, education to speaking, education to reading, and aducation to writing.
Keywords: Hokkien Language, Lexical Interference, Narrative Essay, Treatment Strategy