International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

EA Journals

mathematics secondary school teachers

Supervision of Instruction for Quality Assurance in Effective Teaching of Mathematics Among Secondary School Teachers in Niger State (Published)

The objective of the study is to examine the roles of instructional supervision for quality assurance in effective teaching of mathematics among secondary schools in Niger state, Nigeria. Descriptive survey was employed as the research design for the study and questionnaire containing closed and open-ended questions was the instrument for data collection. Sample of the study comprised 103 teachers from the three senatorial zone of the state. The designed questionnaire items were validated by three lecturers from the Mathematics, Integrated science and Guidance and Counselling departments, Federal College of Education Kontagora, Niger State. To test the reliability of the items, a split-half method was adopted. Cronbach alpha-20 (a20) was employed to estimate the reliability coefficient of the Likert’s scale test items and was found to be 0.73. Data collected was analyzed using percentages (%) and means statistics to answer the research questions. The finding of the study revealed that supervision of instruction ensures effective implementation of the mathematics curriculum and its alignment with national educational standards. Also, the study revealed that supervision of instruction improves relationship between supervisor and supervisees among others. It is therefore recommended that teachers should see instructional supervision as an agent of professional development and not witch-hunting. Supervisors are enjoined to actively involve teachers in the planning and execution of curriculum development and supervision.

Keywords: Instruction, Niger state, Quality Assurance, Supervision, effective teaching., mathematics secondary school teachers

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