Development of Procedural Text Materials Based on Traditional Marriage Ceremony of Malay for Students Class Xi Sma Negeri 1 Medang Deras District of Batubara (Published)
This study aims to know the needs, feasibility and effectiveness of the development of procedural text teaching materials based on traditional marriage ceremony of Malay in students class XI SMA Negeri 1 Medang Deras Batubara district. The teaching materials developed was in the form of modules. The research method used was research and development research and development (R & D) method referred to Borg & Gall model as stated by Tegeh, et al. The result of the research showed that: (1) validation of material experts include the feasibility of the content with an average of 82.35% on very good criteria, the feasibility of presentation with an average of 90.38% on very good criteria, and the assessment of the language with an average of 83 , 65% on very good criteria, (2) validation of design experts with an average of 81.25% on very good criteria, (3) teacher responses with an average of 90% on very good criteria, (4) individual testing with an average of 78,47% on good criteria, (5) small group experiments with an average of 82.02% on very good criteria, and (6) limited field tests with an average of 83.09% on very good criteria. The learning result of the test in understanding the procedure text by the student before using the module was 75.65, while the test learning outcomes in understanding the procedure text by the student after using the module increased by 90.8. The difference is 10.42 from before to after using module. This proves that the teaching material of the developed procedures text teaching material can improve the students’ learning outcomes by using traditional Malay marriage ceremony based learning. This research has implication that the instructional material developed will give a practical contribution in the implementation of learning process for the teacher, where this instructional material as additional teaching material to give ease in delivering the materials taught.
Keywords: Marriage Culture, Procedural Texts, Teaching Materials