Learning Social Study Styles in Indonesian Nations with Cultural Diversity Theme Using Contextual Teaching Learning Approach (CTL) On IV Grade Students at SD It Khairul Imam Medan (Published)
CTL is a learning model that emphasizes the full process of student involvement in order to find the material learned and relate it to real life situations that encourage students to apply it in their lives (Sanjaya, 2011: 255). The visible and perceived form of learning activity is the result of learning. Learning achievements are changes in behavior in the form of knowledge or understanding, skills, and attitudes obtained by the students during the learning process. Contextual learning approach can improve the students’ learning styles of learners where contextual learning approach involves the learners actively, learning more fun and not boring, the skills developed on the basis of understanding, learners can think critically and creatively in collecting data, understand a material and solve problems as well the teachers can also be more creative. Learners can also learn from friends through group discussion, mutual correction, mutual opinion, and learning which are conducted with real situations or problems simulated based on the learner’s life.
Keywords: Learning Study Style; Cultural Diversity; Contextual Teaching Learning; Student