International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

EA Journals

fourth industrial revolution (4IR)

Effect of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) on Library and Information Science Curriculum in Higher Education in Africa: A Literature Study (Published)

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)— characterized by the fusion of the digital, biological, and physical worlds, as well as the growing utilization of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, robotics, 3D printing, the Internet of Things, and advanced wireless technologies, among others—has ushered in a new era of economic disruption with uncertain socio-economic consequences for Africa. However, Africa has been left behind during the past industrial revolutions. Will this time be different? The fourth industrial revolution is associated with a lot of changes that intends to enforce digitalization, network and virtualization in every aspect of life. It has to do with library automation and data exchange in technologies which are based on digital technology.  Several studies have revealed that fourth industrial revolution has started in Africa. It is an era that is using both digital and human element in the workforce. Report indicates that 4IR will create disruptions to future jobs and skills but will also simultaneously open new opportunities. There will be a demand for professionals with a blend of traditional and digital skills of subject knowledge. Thus, for LIS graduate to fit into the fourth industrial revolution, curriculum that has to do with modern practice has to be put in place. The emergence of the 4IR will have an effect on education with particular emphasis on curriculum development. The innovative technologies and socio-economic developments of the modern society was discussed and how it will affect the library education agenda, policies and the way forward. The implications of responding to 4IR with respect to curriculum development of Library and Information Science is of particular interest because it is training students for within the emergent 4IR milieu. Therefore, Fourth Industrial Revolution has both negative and positive effect on Library Science Students.

Keywords: Library, fourth industrial revolution (4IR), information science curriculum

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