Teachers’ Training Needs in Inter-school Violence Handling (Published)
This paper comes to explore teachers’ views on their training needs in the inter-school violence handling. The quantitative approach and the questionnaire tool were selected. The target population was the primary education teachers of Achaia Prefecture, and the sample consisted of 100 teachers who were selected by convenient sampling. Based on the findings, participants believe that incidents of school violence occur in their school units moderately. However, the existence of such incidents is a deterrent to the functioning of the school, thereby emphasizing the need for further training in related matters. They wish to be trained in topics such as Counseling, School Psychology, Social Psychology, Intercultural Education and Cognitive Psychology through the processes of in-school training and training sessions. The appropriate coordinator of the educational program is the Regional Centers for Educational Planning and the Universities. Regarding the degree of motivation for participating in a similar training program, the link between theory and teaching and the more complete response to modern school requirements are considered very important.
Keywords: Educators, Training, Training needs, inter-school violence
Quality Educators for Every Child: A Pilot Professional Development Intervention in Bangladesh (Published)
Over the past two decades, best practice teaching methods have been the subject of education reform around the world. Quality Educators for Every Child (QE4EC) was an exclusive intervention in Bangladesh aimed to deliver flexible professional development for primary school teachers, focusing on pedagogical skills in the classroom (how to teach) rather than subject skills (what to teach). The endline study focused primarily on the three National Teaching Standards (Pedagogical Knowledge, Classroom Management and Assessment) and sought to measure change and improvement against the benchmark of teacher competencies established during the baseline study. This study highlights the findings from the endline survey and presents background information on the quality of education and teaching in Bangladesh. Endline findings are organized according to the three national teaching standards of focus. Finally, presents recommendations for the teachers and head teachers of the primary schools, as well as policymakers and education administrators in Bangladesh.
Keywords: Bangladesh, Child, Educators, Intervention, Teachers