International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

EA Journals


Psychological Capital the Basic Model that Affects Employee Engagement (Published)

Psychological capital is a positive psychological condition owned by individuals, which can be used as a basic model for forming employee engagement. Psycohological capital consists of four aspects, namely: self efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilency(Youssef & Avolio, 2007).Meanwhile, employee engagement is a positive motivational state for employees with the presence of four behavioral aspects, namely: me, stay and strive. Employee engagement is strongly influenced by the psychological condition of employees at work or employee perceptions of the company organization. This situation can develop Psycohological capital of employees towards the Corporation and increase employee engagement of employees towards the Corporation. Therefore, this research will measure psycohological capital as the basic model that employees have in increasing employee engagement. This research was conducted on employees of an airline, using a psychological capital questionnaire with 32 questions, a validity score of 0.48 and a reliability score of 0.93. While the employee engagement questionnaire has 24 questions, the validity score is 0.42 and              the reliability score is 0.90.  The hypothetical model has been tested and fit with the data, thus            it can be described between psychological capital and employee engagement significant,       with a correlation β = 0.37 (t – value = 8.38> 1.96).

Keywords: Employee Engagement, corporation, psychological capital, psycohology

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