The Influence of Using Problem Based Learning Model in Studying Civic Education at Smp Muhammadiyah 07 Medan, Indonesia (Published)
Basically, the change of learning behavior in learning process is caused by several factors. They are differentiated into two categories. That is internal factors and external factors. These two factors influence each other in the individual learning process so as to determine the quality of learning, where internal factors, are factors that originate within the individual and can affect individual learning outcomes. Student learning outcomes taught with problem based learning model is higher than direct instruction model on PPKn subject matter Tolerant in diversity in class VII of SMP Muhammadiyah 07 Medan Struggle with average value of learning result in experiment class is 79,06 and the mean value average learning outcomes in the control class of 72.29 with a significance value of the learning model of 0.003.
Keywords: Civic Education; Problem Based Learning Model; Outcomes