International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

EA Journals

challenges of inclusive education and principles of inclusive

Impact of Mathematics Education on the implementation of Inclusive Education in Basic Education in Niger State: Challenges and Prospects (Published)

The study focused on the impact of mathematics education on the implementation of inclusive education in basic education in Niger state: challenges and prospects. Cross-sectional descriptive survey research design was adopted. Three research questions guided the study. The population of the study constituted of all lower basic and middle basic (primary schools) schools’ teachers and administrators from public schools from the three senatorial zones in Niger State. The multi-stage stratified random sampling procedure was employed to obtain three hundred and thirty teachers, and forty-two administrators which constitute the sample for the study. Among these figures, Zone A comprising of (Teachers=107 and Administrators=15); Zone B comprising of (Teachers=102 and Administrators=10), while Zone C comprising of (Teachers=121 and Administrators=17) respectively drawn from the three zones making a total of three hundred and sixty-three teachers. A questionnaire titled “Mathematics Education and Implementing Inclusive Basic Education Questionnaire MEDIMIBEQ” contains the question items to be answered using four Liket’s scale for data collection. The instrument was validated by three experts in mathematics, science and education department respectively a reliability coefficient of 0.635 using Cronbach alpha-20 (α20). Data collected was analyzed using percentages (%) and means statistics to answer the research questions. Results from the study indicated that learners are ready to learn mathematics; supportive are given to learners; learning environment is conducive; out-of-school children still exist and other challenges in inclusive basic education in Niger state. It was recommended that government should provide meals, uniforms; writing materials to learners to encourage their enrollment and attend schools regularly.

Keywords: Inclusive Education, challenges of inclusive education and principles of inclusive, inclusive mathematics education

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