Supporting and Inhibiting Factors for the Successful implementation of Authentic Assessments Based On Character In Dairi District Elementary School, Indonesia (Published)
Teachers must not change their functions as knowledge transformers and tutors for students. Besides that, there are also examples in people’s lives. As a transformer of knowledge, in him there must be a mindset to do the best for his profession as a teacher and as a tutor, he will guide his students in the process of finding truth based on science. Similarly the teacher is an example for students in character and action. Teachers are an example for students in character and action. Based on the results of interviews conducted by the author with several elementary school teachers in the state of Dairi District stated that the socialization of the implementation of the authentic 2013 curriculum assessment relating to the implementation of character-based learning was carried out in stages.
Keywords: Authentic Assessments; Character; Civic Education; Transformer