The Effects of Attitude and Motivation towards Students’ English Basic Knowledge (Published)
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of attitude and motivation on students’ English basic knowledge at Senior High Schools in Kendari City, Indonesia. The population of this research was all students of state senior high schoosl in Kendari city. Research variables include exogenous variables, namely attitude and motivation of students; the endogenous variables is students’ English basic knowledge. The sampling method uses proportionate stratified random sampling. Data was collected using questionaire and observation. Measurement of research indicators using ordinal scale with Likert scale technique. Data were analized descriptively to describe the tendency of respondents in the form of categorization, while inferential path analysis using SPSS 22 version to see the strong influence between variables. The result of the study based on the regressionsimilarity linesY2= 0,239X1+0,295X3and later It shows that attitude,andmotivation, have a positive and significant effect on Students’ English Basic Knowledgesignificant value < 0,05 namely 0,000. Implication of these findings on the theory of attitude, and motivation, in the realm of Students English Basic Knowledge will be critically examined in this research.
Keywords: attitude; motivation; and students’ english basic knowledge