African literature Archives - International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

EA Journals

African literature

The Impact of (Un)Ethical Survival Mode Duality and Choices of the Educational Elite on the African Renaissance (Published)

In postcolonial Africa, education has always been perceived as pivotal for national and continental progress. For many Africans pursuing education abroad, the intent was to contribute to their countries’ development upon their return. However, the anticipated positive outcomes have often not materialised. Many faced a dilemma: conform to unethical systems or resist them, leading to either self-imposed exile, pursuing brain-drain channels, or compromising with corrupt systems. Using Edward T. Hall’s Cultural Context method, this study analyses novels depicting African realities. It critically explores individual duality and its impact on the African renaissance by emphasising the challenge of reconciling personal ideals and integrity with the harsh realities of political power dynamics. The struggle against corrupt systems hampers postcolonial progress, hindering education’s potential for sustainable development. The study confirms that the potential of education cannot materialise as a catalyst for positive change and sustainable development in postcolonial Africa without an ethical transformation.

Keywords: African literature, African renaissance, Cultural Context, behavioural duality, ethical dilemma, survival mode