International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

EA Journals

Effects of Environmental Variables on Students’ Academic Performance in Basic Science in Ekiti State


This study investigates the effect of environmental variables on students’ academic performance in basic science in junior Secondary School in three Senatorial district of Ekiti state Nigeria. This is a descriptive study of a survey type.  A Sample of 600 students was randomly selected, in which 200 students were selected from each senatorial district, while 10 schools were purposely selected from each senatorial district with 20 students per school which implied that the total 600 schools were selected from all the schools in the state for the study, therefore the target population comprises 141 junior secondary school in Ekiti state. The researcher distinctly designed 20 item questionnaires as an instrument for the study in which it was used to elicit response from the students to gather information to answer general question and hypothesis, while t-test statistic and, analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to test the hypothesis at 0.5 level of significant. The result of the analysis show that: there were no significant differences existed between: the impact of school environment on academic performance of male and female student, between the impact of school location on academic performance in basic science, between the impact of school facilities on academic performance of student in basic sciences of different age group, therefore all the six (6) hypothesis are upheld at 0.5 level of significant. Hence the study recommends that the government and the private proprietors of schools should create enabling environment for the effectively academic activities in the junior secondary school to enhance better performance in basic science.

Keywords: : Academic Performance, Basic Science, Students, environmental variables

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