International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

EA Journals

The Design of Socialization Material Based on Permendiknas No 17, 2010 for Early Prevention on the Thesis Plagiators of Students in Umsu (Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra), Indonesia


Honesty, integrity and authenticity are the main elements that need to be implanted in students in academic excitement. Behavior that upholds the value of science must be a barometer for students in every scientific activity either in making the task of college or completing the final task in the form of thesis writing. The thesis must have a quality value in terms of authenticity, objectivity, and honesty. If any of the words, sentences, paragraphs, ideas, or opinions in the text are the property of others, the scientific ethic is: to include the source in an honest and objective manner where he obtains the quotation. But the problems that arise in the academic world of the campus are so light that the college students in plagiarizing, copying and acknowledge the work of others for their own interests. This fact is more aggravated the absence of seriousness campus in the early prevention, and strict sanctions for the plagiarists. The problems in the Muhammaidyah Higher Education of North Sumatra, the students are only equipped with guidebooks making the thesis, but not accompanied by the academic rules that must be obeyed, if there is any plagiarism by students. The researcher believes if the commitment is mutually agreed, then the entire academic community must be submissive and obedient in realizing it, because it has a legal hold that makes all the parties afraid to violate it. This is the specific target of this study so that it makes the sanctions that cause the deterrent effect to the plagiarists. By observing, it is important in determining a legal sanction for plagiarists in campus and it is necessary to formulate a policy texts for Muhammadiyah Higher Education by departing from various legal parameters, namely the model of plagiarism socialization, rule setting and legal sanction in accordance with the level of guilt, the plagiarism types and its governing rules, methods and prevention media used and the implementation of rules and sanctions. In the long period, this research will produce a permanent policy manuscript product which is expected to be able to overcome all the forms of plagiarism behavior in Higher Education.

Keywords: Plagiarism; Socialization; Academic Ethics

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