International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

EA Journals

Gross Anatomy Course Delivery to Dental Undergraduate Students via Team-Based Learning


Team-based learning (TBL) uses instructor facilitated role. Its goal is to go beyond the simple coverage of content and to focus on making sure that the students use course ideas to solve problems. There are many studies comparing TBL to other educational methods demonstrating higher engagement and enjoyment among TBL participants. Our proposal of using TBL in delivery of anatomy curriculum for dental students agrees with previous studies which demonstrated the major effectiveness of the TBL method in medical sciences education. Anatomy teaching has recently seen the introduction of several changes. These include the introduction of new educational methods, course hour’s reduction, the abolition of cadaver dissection, the integration between clinical and preclinical curricula, and a change in students’ learning objectives. The teaching of anatomy using TBL has received much attention in recent years. TBL can be applied to cover anatomy topics in a dental curriculum. TBL results in an improved knowledge gain and higher satisfaction ratings for the students. By utilising TBL, dental students can learn to work together and work effectively in teams.

Keywords: Course Delivery, Dental, Gross Anatomy, Team-Based Learning, Undergraduate Students

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