International Journal of Energy and Environmental Research (IJEER)

EA Journals

coherent policy

Linkages between Green Energy Policies and Climate Change Law and Challenges towards a Greater Coherent Policy (Published)

All over the world, national governments and policy makers have been strong in their stance on the fight against global climate change due to human-made factors.  Climate change law and green energy policy were critical in the movement for using green or renewable energy sources in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and, therefore, slowing down the process of change in the earth’s climate.  The aim of this study is to understand the basics of climate change and green energy and to identify and understand the relationship between the two regulatory efforts.  It also aimed to identify the challenges in coming up a single, cohesive policy for the two regulatory efforts.  Through scanning literature, discussion on the basics of climate change and green or renewable energy were presented.  The study highlighted the aspects that established the linkages between the two regulatory efforts, which include (1) most of the green energy policies and climate change laws around the world were leaned towards the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and (2) the incentive-levy system to encourage the use of green energy sources.  Challenges facing the establishment of a cohesive policy for the two regulatory efforts include (1) difficulty of establishing a single framework for supporting green energy technologies that addresses both clean energy generation and climate change in a wider context, (2) challenges relating to process management of energy services, and (3) compatibility of the two regulatory efforts.

Keywords: Climate Change, Law, Linkages, coherent policy, green energy policies