Zooplankton diversity and abundance and its relationship with physico-chemical parameters in River Kashimbila was carried out for a period of eight (8) months from August, 2016 to March, 2017.Physico-chemical parameters were determined, the identification and abundance of zooplankton were also determined. A total of twenty-one (21) species of zooplankton were reported, which was dominated by Ciliophora (34.61%), followed by Rotifera (32.92%) and the least being Cnidaria (0.02%). Shannon Weinner diversity index ranged from 1.40 -2.72, Margalef Index from 2.37 – 2.72 and evenness from 0.45 – 0.60. The data revealed that there was a significant difference among number of species and species count at (P<0.05) between raining and dry season. Zooplankton diversity and abundance were influenced by seasons and sites while species composition varied significantly with season at (P<0.05). Based on the zooplankton diversity and abundance, the rivers hold high possible impact on fish production.
Keywords: Abundance, Diversity, River Kashimbila, zooplankton