International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology Studies (IJEATS)

EA Journals

Future Assessment of Low Cost EV Automobile Market in Bangladesh


The global automotive landscape is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by the imperative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. Bangladesh, a densely populated country grappling with environmental challenges and urban traffic, stands poised at the brink of embracing electric mobility as a solution. This abstract delves into the future trajectory of the low-cost electric vehicle (EV) market in Bangladesh, examining key factors influencing its growth, challenges hindering its adoption, and potential strategies for overcoming these barriers. The low-cost EV market in Bangladesh presents a promising avenue for sustainable transportation, offering the dual benefits of reducing carbon emissions and mitigating dependence on imported fossil fuels. This includes fostering collaboration between the government and private sector to develop comprehensive EV policies, investing in research and development to enhance battery technology and drive down costs, and implementing targeted financial incentives to make EVs more accessible to a wider demographic. Furthermore, public awareness campaigns and educational initiatives can play a crucial role in dispelling misconceptions and fostering acceptance of EVs among consumers. In conclusion, while challenges persist, the future of the low-cost EV market in Bangladesh is undeniably bright. With the right mix of policy support, infrastructure development, and industry innovation, Bangladesh has the potential to emerge as a regional leader in sustainable transportation, paving the way for a cleaner, greener, and more prosperous future.

Keywords: Battery Bangladesh, electric vehicle (EV), fossil fuels, low-cost

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