International Journal of Ebola, AIDS, HIV and Infectious Diseases and Immunity (IJEAHII)

EA Journals


Effectiveness of the Treatment Advocate Strategy in Tracking Lost to Follow up Clients on Antiretroviral Therapy in Sauti Yetu Project within Temeke Municipality (Published)

This paper is based on a research which was conducted in Dar es Salaam Region, to assess effectiveness of the Treatment Advocate Strategy in tracking lost to follow up clients on antiretroviral therapy in Sauti Yetu project within Temeke Municipality. The findings indicated that there was a significant decrease in proportion of lost to follow up Antiretroviral Therapy clients from 45.1% before the project to 29.6% after the project. The decrease was statistically significant (p<0.001). Furthermore, the facilitating factors found to influence tracking of lost to follow up clients included provision of follow up transport; support of community leadership; provision of technical support; availability of reporting tools; and adequate knowledge in using reporting tools. However, incorrect client’s information recorded; large area coverage; and inadequate of staff in Care and Treatment Clinics were mentioned as barriers in tracking lost to follow up.The Treatment Advocate Strategy has been found to be effective in reducing and tracking lost to follow up of clients on Antiretroviral Therapy. Considering the effectiveness of the strategy, it is recommended that relevant authorities should scale up this intervention in other areas.

Keywords: Art, Retention, care and treatment clinics, lost to follow up

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