International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability (IJDES)

EA Journals

Sustainability and Businesses in Nigeria: New Challenges and Readiness to Withstand the Pressure of Economic Development


Sustainability has been a hot topic globally but has received minimal attention in Nigeria unfortunately. This is evident as none of Nigerian businesses is listed on the world’s sustainability indexes/ratings. This paper using descriptive method, essays on sustainability and businesses in Nigeria; the challenges and readiness to withstand these challenges. The study opines that the traditional corporate governance adopted by Nigerian businesses fetter corporate progress. The study thus recommends adoption of corporate social responsibility as a vital building block of every corporate governance initiative. This requires all Academics, Accountants, Auditors, Managers, Board members and Directors, Investing Public and Stockbrokers to work together on meeting these challenges, in order to move Nigerian economy to the next level.

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR, Corporate performance, Shareholders, chief executive officer (CEO), corporate governance (CG), sustainability management

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Impact Factor: 7.72
Print ISSN: 2053-2199
Online ISSN: 2053-2202

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