International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability (IJDES)

EA Journals

Entrepreneurship Education for Sustainable Knowledge Based Economy


The consciousness that rapid economic development and industrialization seems to be reliant on the development of people who are capable of creating and providing prospects for business projects have gradually brought entrepreneurship education to the attention of many nations of the world Nigeria inclusive. This paper seeks to stimulate entrepreneurial spirit in the minds of Nigerians. In the past the emphasis was on getting white collar jobs after graduation but the reality has dawn on Nigerians that the rate of unemployment now is so high and that the government can’t find resolution to it except through entrepreneurship education which aims at creating jobs by individuals. The paper discusses the meaning of entrepreneur, entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial development in Nigeria, challenges of entrepreneurship education in Nigeria, and possible solutions to the identified challenges, and importance of entrepreneurship education to the development of Nigeria economy.

Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Development, Entrepreneurship education, Innovation, Skills

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Impact Factor: 7.72
Print ISSN: 2053-2199
Online ISSN: 2053-2202

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