The Issues and Challenges of Urban Renewal in a Developing Economy - International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability (IJDES)

International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability (IJDES)

EA Journals

The Issues and Challenges of Urban Renewal in a Developing Economy

Charles Chukwunwike Egolum & Fidelis Ifeanyi Emoh


Urban renewal is most often undertaken to make life safe, more secure and comfortable to the urban dwellers, to attract wealthier individuals to live in that area or to boost economic base or activities in that area. Urban renewal which may be also known as urban redevelopment is a veritable social gentrification technique. The bursting rate of urbanization has been one of the major issues/challenges which many national and local government authorities in developing nations/economies have to grapple with.  The main challenges of urbanization in most urban cities are acute shortage of shelter/housing, waste/garbage disposal, traffic jams or congestion and the deplorable state of the roads in some instances, flooding, crime and other social vices. Others include increase in demand for urban services namely- housing, education, public health and a generally decent living environment, loss of biodiversity and green house, warming, desertification, degradation of agricultural land, air and water pollution, environmental decay, slums, insanitation, overcrowding, housing congestion, crime and violence, etc. Nigeria urban centres are characterized by a dominant feature which is degrading state of the physical environment. The steps involved in urban renewal include planning, sensitization/consultation of the citizens or public hearing, land acquisition (revocation of rights of occupancy), displacement and relocation, site improvement and supporting facilities/infrastructure, disposition of improved land and new construction/development. Effective urban renewal actions are inevitable in our contemporary urban cities if our cities would compare with those of the developed economies or comparable developing economies. To this effect, specific policy issues and strategies should be put in place and conscientiously pursued and implemented. The paper concluded by putting up suggestions  to address the issues and challenges to our urban cities renewal efforts and they include good and effective governance, enhanced infrastructural development, keying into international and national sustainable developmental programme, public-private partnership strategy (PPPS). The leading role of the estate surveyor and valuer involved in the valuation/assessment of the purchase price or the amount of compensation payable to each claimant is also highlighted in ensuring a successful urban renewal programme.

Keywords: Developing Economy, Urban renewal, issues and challenges

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