International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability (IJDES)
Vol 3, Issue 4, August 2015
STABILIZATION MEASURES AND MANAGEMENT OF THE ECONOMY: THE CASE OF NIGERIAAuthors: Anochie Uzoma .C.,Duru Erasmus E Keywords: Fiscal austerity, Monetary policy. Fiscal policy, Stabilization, Structural adjustment Article Pages: 1-12 |
Sustainable Tourism Development In Egypt: Peroposed Sustainable Integrated Design Matrix StudyAuthors: Hisham Aref, Waleed Hussein,Lamis Salama Awees Keywords: Geographical Differences, Integrated Tourism Development Projects, Planning, Political Decision-Making, Regional Planning, Regions Problems, Sustainable tourism, Urban Development Indicators, Urban Settlements, resources Article Pages: 13-28 |
Emigration Mobility Trends and Patterns in Kenya: A Shift from South-North to South-South MigrationAuthors: George Odipo , Charles Owuor Olungah, Dalmas Ochien’g Omia Keywords: : Emigration; Levels, Trends And Patterns; South-South Migration; Research And Policy Implications; Development. Article Pages: 29-48 |
Economic Growth and Unemployment in Fiji: A Cointegration AnalysisAuthors: Keshmeer Makun, Nnanna P. Azu Keywords: Fiji, Unemployment, economic growth, investmnent Article Pages: 49-60 |
Challenges of Local Government Administration in Nigeria: Lessons from Comparative AnalysisAuthors: Alao, David Oladimeji Ph.D, Osakede, Kehinde O. and Owolabi, Toyin Y. Keywords: Accountability, Governance, Local Government, Service delivery, democratic participation Article Pages: 61-79 |
The Attractiveness of Investment in the Arab Countries: Comparative StudyAuthors: Sabah Noori Al-Mihyawi Keywords: Arab Countries, Attractive Investment, Composite indicator, Foreign Direct Investment, Key determinate’s, Poland Article Pages: 80-90 |
Price and Income Elasticities of Import Demand in Nigeria: Evidence from the Bound Testing ProcedureAuthors: Uche C. Nwogwugwu,Anne C. Maduka,Chekwube V. Madichie Keywords: Import demand, Income elasticity of import, Price elasticity of import Article Pages: 91-103 |
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Impact Factor: 7.72
Print ISSN: 2053-2199
Online ISSN: 2053-2202
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