International Journal of Dentistry, Diabetes, Endocrinology and Oral Hygiene (IJDDEOH)

EA Journals


Patient Satisfaction with Non-Surgical Root Canal Therapy Among Patients Attending Muhimbili University Dental Clinic (Published)

To evaluate patient satisfaction with Non-surgical root canal therapy (NS-RCT) among patients attending Muhimbili University Dental Clinic. A total of 184 patients were selected randomly in this cross-sectional study. Data collection was carried out using patient recruitment and validated questionnaire. NS-RCT is more common in the upper than lower jaw and premolars were the most frequently NS-RCT treated teeth.  Most of patient were satisfied with treatment they got despite questionable quality of coronal and radicular fillings. Most of patients with at least one or more RCT done to their teeth were those educated ones with at least college education. Majority were convinced by their dentist for having their tooth/teeth NS-RCT treated. Satisfaction of patients towards endodontic treatment did not depend on the quality of NS RCT done to them.

Keywords: Endodontics, Non-surgical Root Canal Therapy, Pulpotomy, patient satisfaction

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